Settings Video, Movie & TV Show Library Music & Music Video.

Add the M3U playlist to the add-on for streaming IPTV. 19:45:38 1250.831787 T:1585439648 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on MediaPortal PVR Client, status = 1 Add-on:MediaPortal PVR Client Add-on:MythTV PVR Client N.Install the PVR IPTV Simple Client add-on on your Kodi application.19:45:38 1250.827026 T:1585439648 INFO: Called Add-on status handler for '1' of clientName:MediaPortal PVR Client, clientID: (same Thread=no).19:45:38 1250.824829 T:1585439648 ERROR: ADDON: Dll MediaPortal PVR Client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable.I know it is the UI that freezes, because I can still access my Kodi clients through ssh. Usually the freezes occur within an hour after starting playback, but before the freeze everything works as expected. 19:45:38 1250.823608 T:1585439648 ERROR: AddOnLog: MediaPortal PVR Client: Could not connect to MediaPortal TV Server backend Mediaportal PVR Client (v 2.4.19) The problem: Intermittent Kodi or LE UI freezes when streaming live TV or recordings from my PVR backend.